CRank: 5Score: 49820

I am right there with you, liked what I saw, and knowing who is on the project makes me feel even better... This game and the division were very nice surprises for me, I knew something was coming, but still real nice to see these games looking real interesting with lot's of potential..

4120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope it will be on the PS4, it will be better bottom line, from eye candy to overall game play, physics and A.I.

I wanted to see Last Guardian along with anything from Media Molecule and at least a glimpse of what's next on the PS4 from Naughty dog the most, and have to continue waiting, the show and news from Sony were great,even without news from my favorites, they will come soon enough, hopefully something from E3 in these next days, possibly they are getting looks f...

4120d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes and a bit like Larry David from Curb your enthusiasm mixed in too..

Gorgeous visuals, funny script, I hope this prototype leads to an all out game something like the demo, cannot wait to see the rest of it and to hear more details...

4120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another thing I am hoping for....would be for remote play for the vita with ps4 games... And hope that DRM is off of the menu...

4122d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That pretty much is spot on.

Then throw in the new Naughty dog Ip, Sony Santa Monica's new IP, where the The Last guardian is at in developement, and of course for me anything Media Molecule, just to pick a few of the couple dozen I am dying to hear and see more of....

This is my 14th E3 I will be attending, and I can say this is the most optimistic I have been, and intrigued to see all what they have in store for us....

4122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dark soul's 2 and now a Demon's soul's successor?

And with the full power of the PS4 built from the ground up, all the ambition this studio has shown with the PS3 and now with all this extra horsepower and higher ceiling to create with, makes this quite intriguing...

Miyazaki's new game?

This sounds more like an evolution of the series.

4123d ago 36 agree3 disagreeView comment

Finally the unveiling....Yes two more days...

Such an exciting time, I cannot wait to see it all in it's full glory...

Yup games like Naughty Dog's new IP, what's up with the Last guardian, Deep down, Media molecules new IP, SSM's new IP, and as we all know many, many more...

4123d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Watch dogs is certainly real high on my list too, like most I would think.

No praticular order

SSM's new IP...
GG's new IP along with KZ-SF
Anything Zelda
Mario 3D
Love to see something from the new *Oddworld* game...
Metroid in any form...
What's retro up to?
Beyond good and evil 2
Will Gears be back?
Halo 5
Forza 5
PG 5
Drive club

4124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This will be very exciting to see what a real powerhouse studio full of talent can do with a much higher ceiling that the PS4 provides. I expect the eye candy to be heavenly, and the gameplay and effects, physics to be on the highest levels.

2 new IP's Stig's team and the Ascension team would be ideal. I can still see a new GOW down the line too. Who knows with great games the sales will be so great they can actually get together a third team...


4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My hunch is that one of the games will be that "family oriented" full use of kinect island adventure game.

The other a Banjo or Conker game... As they have already hinted at an old game coming back..

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty Land." leak along with the other games shown with it were already debunked unfortunately. However I still believe there will be a solid showing with what we already know.

Banjo is one of my all time favorites. Seeing Banjo backed with this extra power will be something special.

I believe that Rare can still attract top level talent to help bring a game like Banjo back to the forefront.

I sure would not mind t...

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anything Zelda is always a great thing...

True Mario 3D, the next Metroid, Mario cart U, Pikman 3,The wonderful 101, the next Yoshi, another Mario and Luigi, and sure would like to see the next Donkey Kong country return in some form...

Show this and some 3rd party games in some form, and they will make a major impact...

4126d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Banjo Kazooie return to true act/adv platforming with the new gen power behind it sure would be special. I think a studio like rare can still attract high level's of talent while being backed by Microsoft, and give another B&K game a proper showing...

Black tusk also is high on my XBOX1 interest list. Also Respawn has me curious.

PGR5 would be fantastic to see again. And of course the old staples like Forza 5 and Halo 5 can never be overlooked...

4127d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately it is the way of things for some...

Up until now I have owned all the systems for the past 25 or so years, and for me it has been a win/win... Best of all World's scenario...

I am as neutral as it gets, this time around XBOX 1 does have to show me more, to get me aboard, but I think they will. PS4 is already Day 1 for me.

I think sometimes certain people want another system to fail because they cannot afford one of the syste...

4129d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

FF is a lock...

I certainly would love to see either Uncharted 4 or Jak & Daxter 4, both would be ideal...

The Last gaurdian is another high on my list for what seems like a life time now.

Media Molecules new IP and of course I would love to see another LBP along with it anytime...

Sony Santa Monica's new Ip and GG games new Ip are something I am really interested in.

Kingdom hearts 3, Dark cloud 3 an...

4129d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


I got you, I understood you were speaking ideologically. All is well...

4131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I am sure people have to beware of scams, I don't think a company like this is in any way shape or form scam bait.

725K... So 10 devs at 6K a Month for a year equals 720K.... I quess the left over 5K is for cake and pizza...

4132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is a victim of the heavily focus-tested...

IG are best suited for quirky caricature/toon based act/adv... think outside of the box, being creative in both game play and art style, being fun, zany. It is there strong point, what they should go for, what they do better than most...Not generic run of the mill shooters... Failure was all over this once I saw (as did most) the transistion from Overstrike to Fuse...

Lesson learned I am certain. Now IG get...

4134d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I totally agree.... It was a top 3 game for the original XBOX for me... Anyone should get this new HD version for there system of choice if they have not already done so. Creative, stylish eye candy, fun gameplay, nice little story, stays fresh and expands gameplay wise as you move forward. hey it's ODDworld inhabitants, that should be enough for anyone, really special...

4135d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you...

I bought the XBOX and the 360. My favorite system is the PS3, and the PS4 is a "Day 1" for me...

However the X1 has alot of explaining to do if they want me on board this time around. No beating around the bush, just be concise and straight forward...

4135d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment